Monday, May 12, 2008

You Just never know

Well Mother's Day started off great.. Went to the family barbeque and we were blind sided with my aunt news.. She had surgery back in January .. They told her they got the tumor and felt they got everything out and that with a few rounds of chemo all would be back to normal. Well it's far from that.. She has been thru four rounds of it and nothing has stopped it's growth. It is running like wild fire thru her body the doctor says and was furious the surgeon would have said this to her. So she says to them to be frank what other options she says bascially I'm gonna ask you do you want quality or quantity..This has now run thru your blood stream, in your lungs, in your breast cavity and we cannot stop it so basically we don't know what else to do. My aunt has a postive out look on it of course she does not want to die. She has one son her husband pass on almost 10 years ago and has grandbabies. She says but her time is up all she can do is make the best of it. She doesn't know what's she's gonna choose I know it's hard to make judgements when it's not you on what to pick. I just pray and hope everyone prays that she may go peaceful instead of in misery. She's in her mid fifties.. They say it all happens for a reason but just don't know what it may be.. So cherish what you have today tomorrow may be a whole new story!


Teresa said...

I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt! She is in my Prayers!

Amie said...

oh gosh, so sorry Liz! Best wishes for her!

Tonya said...

Liz. I am so sorry to hear this about your Aunt, much love and prayers

Tricia said...

Liz, sorry to hear this about your aunt. I will pray for your family.

My Paper World said...

So very sad. I'll be keeping you all in my thoughts.
Hugs! xx

Natalie said...

I am so sorry about your Aunt, Liz! We just lost a neighbor to some very aggressive cancer (diagnosed on April 1st of this year, passed on April 27th). It's so hard! Best wishes and prayers for your family!